Discover our bank's job offers

All our job offers : permanent contract, internship, apprenticeship…

Each year, Banque Stellantis France recruits a wide range of young graduates or experienced professionals. Discover our job offers.

Join Banque Stellantis France

Are you looking for a career in banking?

Each year, Banque Stellantis France recruits a wide range of young graduates or experienced professionals in the following fields: Sales / Retail, Risk, Customer Relationship / After-Sales , Marketing / Digital, Debt Collection, Finance, Support Functions …


Our recruitment process

To join us, apply on-line : fast and simple, it only takes 10 minutes.

Sending resume

Select a job offer of our bank and join your resume

Study of your application

We investigate your application with operational teams


You are interviewed by the HR department and operational managers

Job offer

Your application is accepted - you receive a job offer

Join us

All our job offers are published on our specialized websites and on our Linkedin page.